Background Information
About the stories.
Standard Novella & Novel-length Fanfics
These 20-some stories are part of my regular novella/novel-length BTTF fanfics. I still write these from time to time, though my output is probably, like, one a year now. The stories range in their lengths, from a relatively short 15,000 words ("The Ripple Effect") to a very novel-length 187,000 words ("When Worlds Collide"). But most stories fall in the 50,000 - 70,000 range, or about 100 to 130 pages.
Between-the-Lines: Vignette Fanfics
These stories are generally shorter, and "hole-fillers" of the three films. They don't have to necessarily "merge" with my BTTF universe, but I imagine they probably do.
"The Hill Valley Chronicles"
This is a side project/spin off from "No Place Like Home," one of my longer fanfics. Kind of a "what if" miniseries.
"On Hiatus" Fanfics
The stories here would belong in the "standard" category... if they were completed. These are stories that are, for whatever reason, in a state of indefinite pause.
Cut Scenes & Aborted Stories
These are clips, snippets, that were written (or half written) and then cut from a variety of the "standard" stories -- including my shudder-worthy first BTTF stories. I dusted them off and displayed them in their full, flawed glory because I figure people can see how far I've really come -- and marvel at some of the weird decisions I made.
Miscellaneous Goodies
The stuff here is kind of random -- these odd little BTTF short stories that are either vignettes to my stuff, or else preludes to the original BTTF. Time travel, in general, does not take place.
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