"The Curse of Great One"
Synopsis: Desperate for a good grade on a report, Verne drags Marty and Jules back with him to learn about the Egyptian god "Great One" to the time when the mythical figure was supposed to arrive. It's his intention to interview this so-called god and use that information for his report. They arrive in the past in the middle of a sacred ceremony and it is discovered that the Great One is really Marty! The three of them are taken to the Egyptian King Amenemhet and given a personal servent to attend to all their needs -- Tannenan, an ancient ancestor of the Tannen lineage. It is the King's belief that Great One will end the long drought if he is treated right, putting an enormous pressure on Marty's shoulders.
Meanwhile, Marty recieves a mysterious necklace from one of the locals. At almost the same time he finds himself being plagued by hideous nightmares and sleepwalking out to the middle of the desert. Scared and embarassed, he tries to hide his problem from Jules and Verne. In the meantime, Verne is watching Tannenan suspiciously, certain that he is up to no good despite the servant's loyal service. The answer to Marty's mysterious nightly stolls and dreams, along with Tannenan's true colors, are revealed to be all connected to the mystery of an Egyptian King and the location of his tomb and treasure....
Length: Approximately 39,000 words
Written: November 1993 - July 1994
Revised: January 1997; June 1999 - July 1999
What's New in '99: The first chapter of this story is what's most drastically different, as well as the present day date, thus adding about 5,000 words to the original draft. Realistically, I realized that there was absolutely no way Doc Brown could construct another DeLorean time machine in a month's time, as I had him originally do in the original draft of this, as well as repair a run down house and help his family adjust with life in the 1980's. So, I bumped the present date to early January 1986, giving Doc a month more of time to do all those jobs. Two months is pushing it a bit for my belief factor, but messing with the present day dates is definitely a ripple effect situation as some stories simply had to occur on a certain date, or else have a certain amount of time in between time traveling. You will notice almost all the revised stories to come will have adjusted present-day dates except for the ones where it's absolutely critical for the time traveling to take place on a specific date.
Author's Notes: I made up this "King Theban" character in my story, unaware that there was a city with nearly the same name in Egypt -- Thebes. King Amenemhet was a real character who was a king "around" 2000 B.C., but I took a ton of liberties with his character. The name of Theban's cat, Kalila, is Arabian and means "beloved". Kind of a hidden joke, since Kalila is King Theban's beloved pet. I've always been interested in ghosts and the supernatural, so in this story I decided to tie some of that in.
CHAPTERS 7 - 11 |